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The power of teamwork

Innovative drive systems and sustainable energy supply

The power of teamwork

Innovative drive systems and sustainable energy supply


REMAT stands for the supply of high-quality sysmens and products for diesel-electric, hybrid and fully electric propulsion systems for the maritime sector and offshore. Products and systems focused on innovation, sustainability and reliability.

40 years of experience with customer-oriented support, service and support.
We cherish our close and long-term partnerships
with a selective number of market leading European manufacturers. High-quality technology and thorough application knowledge are thus combined into completely integrated innovative solutions for the maritime sector.

AC and DC grid solutions
PTI/PTO solutions
BESS (Battery energy storage) solutions
Shore Power solutions

a selection of our projects


REMAT is a customer-oriented organization where high quality and dedication to customer and project are central. REMAT has 40 years of experience in shipping and heavy industries. We find rapid response and appropriate action important at every stage of a project or delivery.

We strive for close and long-term partnerships with our suppliers so that we can act quickly if adjustments in product and system design are necessary or engineers with specialized product knowledge need to be quickly on location (anywhere in the world).

These collaborations have created a close-knit and effective network in which technological knowledge and specific application knowledge are optimally used.


REMAT has a track record of large and smaller projects and deliveries in various forms of collaboration with domestic and foreign system integrators, OEMs and shipyards.


REMAT supplies for system integrators, with an emphasis on specific drive system and product delivery with thorough technical support, but also for OEMs, shipping companies and shipyards, where engineering, system integration and commissioning are also included in the delivery package. Depending on the customer's wishes and the complexity of the project, any intermediate form is possible.